Most companies can’t gauge effectiveness of discounts, incentives, or other retail promotions until after they run. Learn how played a lead role in enabling a leading nutritional products company to move beyond last year’s sales figures and “guestimates”—leveraging AI-powered “Test & Learn” solutions to accurately forecast effectiveness of promotions in test markets prior to nationwide roll-out, maximizing ROI across regions, markets, and retail distributors. established an innovative Test & Learn program to introduce predictive analytics into the company’s decision-making processes for marketing initiatives. Incorporating a wide range of internal and third-party data, such as demographic profiles, volume, seasonality, historical sales numbers, helped identify suitable test and control participants and regions.
Within the initial six months of the program, helped the company test more than 30 separate promotions across the adult nutritional products business, providing distinct profiles of the top performing test locations for each promotion. The Test & Learn program has been able to accurately predict the promotional lift per store of nationwide promotions in increments as small as .01%—a substantial increase for a product category with typically thin margins.