According to an IBM Global CMO Study, which surveyed more than 500 CMOs around the world, 94 percent believe advanced analytics will play a significant role in reaching corporate objectives. However, 82 percent say their organizations are underprepared to capitalize on the data revolution.
The Journey from Dashboards to Actionable Insights
According to research conducted by the Aberdeen Group, when business users can visualize information, they’re able to process it more effectively and make faster and better decisions. But what do you think of when someone says dashboards?
Customers today are largely unsatisfied with the personal engagement marketing they receive. Increasingly, they demand engagement at the right time, on the right device and with the right message. Artificial intelligence (AI) may sound futuristic, but this exciting evolution in the personalization we’ve pursued for decades enables modern brands to personalize the shopping experience – in real time – and deliver automated and relevant messages, recommendations and offers at scale, which drive business growth and build engagement.
E-commerce, brick and mortar retailers, in-app purchases. These multiple touchpoints present a huge opportunity for your company. Omnichannel marketing, defined as the ability to seamlessly market products and services across all customer channels, is how companies are approaching this opportunity. After all, shouldn’t more channels simply present more opportunities to sell?
There are six powerful factors driving the COO’s rising interest in unified demand forecasting. This is partially driven by companies shift from siloed, stand-alone approaches to unified, enterprise-wide operations. Market leaders are paying attention to these six additional drivers:
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