Pricing Strategy: The Second Step on Your Journey to Successful Pricing

In less than a week, over 40K individuals from more than 90 countries will descend on the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center for NRF 2019 – the Big Show! Undoubtedly, many of these individuals will be looking for the latest and greatest innovations in retail that can help grow top line sales and increase bottom line profits. But many are also looking for ways to improve their strategies, so they can execute their way to results.

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6 Secrets to Omnichannel Retail Success

Technology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives and today’s consumers possess more internet-connected devices than ever before. Laptops, tablets, phones and smart watches have made our lives easier and our connections more seamless, and this includes the shopping experience.

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5 Reasons Why Your Retail Pricing Strategies Aren't Working

Regardless of product or industry, pricing strategy is deservedly one of the most deliberated aspects of any business. While many businesses today search for the fabled sweet spot that will easily bolster profits, they oftentimes fall victim to the same old-fashioned pricing mistakes.

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Meeting Demand: Advancing Your Retail Supply Chain

Retail supply chains have grown more and more complex, and companies must have end-to-end supply chain visibility to prepare for unexpected changes in demand. As such, retailers should explore practical, relevant ways to predict demand, while continuing to deliver quality, omni-channel consumer experiences.

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Delivering Personalization at Scale to Achieve Omnichannel Effectiveness

The key to maximizing the customer experience, and by extension revenue, hinges on delivering contextual and relevant communications through real time customer engagement. But for many retailers, this means engaging with tens of thousands of customers making online purchases via laptops, desktop and mobile devices, as well as in-store shoppers.

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