AI 101: Automating the Mundane



Join Nicholas Wegman, Ph.D., Senior Director of Artificial Intelligence and Alex Barnes, Senior Director of Product Management, in a three-part series that demystifies the science behind Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reveals how it can increase your margin. Taking an insightful journey into its history and present-day market trends, they will discuss why AI may—or may not—represent an ideal solution for every business.

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Omnichannel Demand Planning: The Future of Mid-Tier Fashion Retail



As we continue transitioning toward a post-pandemic economy, mid-tier fashion stands out as one retail sector that is irrevocably changed. 

It's clear now that fashion retail will never return to a pre-COVID sales mix dominated by in-store purchases, nor are we ever going to see the levels of online sales that occurred during the height of the lockdowns. There remains a considerable segment of consumers that will always prefer the tactile experience of visiting their favorite stores to browse through racks and try on items before purchase. While other customers—particularly millennials and Gen Z—avoid the local mall in favor of purchasing clothes online via websites and mobile apps.

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A Closer Look at Walgreens’ AI-Powered Demand Planning Transformation



Among the highlights of our most recent retail trade event appearances—NRF in New York and RILA LINK in Orlando—were our well-received feature presentations, spotlighting one of our major success stories among national retailers, our partnership with Walgreens.  

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Consumer Sentiment is Plummeting—How Will Your Company Adapt?



Quoting the Dalai Lama, "disagreement is something normal”.While it’s fair to say there’s plenty of disagreement among many issues these days, most consumersacross all income levelsgenerallyagree on something: a sense of pessimism surrounding our current economy. 

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The Best Replenishment System…Might Be the One You Already Have

During our very worthwhile appearance at NRF just a few weeks ago, quite a few questions from visitors to our booth revolved around the ongoing challenges affecting retail replenishment.  

Nobody needs to belabor the problem—our post-pandemic economy is still plagued by unwieldy supply chain disruptions, leaving retail customers regularly disappointed with empty shelves—leaving them little choice but to consider competing stores (or online options) for everyday items they rely upon. From shoppers to store managers to C-level leadership, frustration is everywhere. 

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